Thursday, September 27, 2012

Wear your Favourite Jersey This Friday

Dear Diary:

Oh yes!!  This Friday, September 28th,  is Jersey Day in Canada!  It's a time to wear your favourite sports jersey, whether it be from a professional team, a house league or just a neighbourhood street league.  During the week, ending with Saturday, September 29th teams and organizations across the country, have games, open houses, try-it days or tournaments to promote sports on all levels. 

Yes, I love my hockey so I'm here sitting in the stands, at the GOHA rink waiting for the season to start, wearing my favourite jersey of course.  The rink is a great place to visit if you like hockey in our second world.  The new season hasn't started yet but check here for the schedule. 
So let's get active for the rest of the week...and the rest of our lives.  Do some pilates, play badiminton, swim at the local pool but whatever you do, celebrate the sports in your area.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing:
Hair: Wasabi Pills Amandine mesh hair
Hockey Sweater: Freestyle Designs Canucks Sedin jersey
Jeans: PD Basic jeans (Indigo)
Boots: Kletva Tronacy boots (gift)