Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Winter Season Challenge

Dear Diary:

Berry has picked a very appropriate Meme for the next week...for the next 4 months.  I just finished shovelling, came in, had my shower, had my breakfast, and the street plow came by.  Next thing I knew, the sidewalk plow came by.  So out I went AGAIN to shovel.  And the weatherman said more is on the way tonight!  I'm in a great mood to be doing this meme!!  Grrrrrr....

1. What is the December/Winter season like where you live? I live in Canada, the northern part of a province.  Enough said, eh?  We have snow for about 4 months (hopefully) but I've seen a few flurries in May.  Fortunately it doesn't stay.  The average daytime temperature right now is around -8C [about 17F] which is really nice.  In January it can hit -30C [about -22F].  There have been a few winters where we haven't had snow until mid January.  And then other years a few flurries have arrived late October. Should I say...unpredictable?

2. When you think of winter, what’s the first thing that pops into your head?  Hmmmm...first thing that pops into my, toque, mitts, parka, scarf, snow, shovelling, snow tires, car heater, frozen gas line, windshield scrapper, cold, wind, no sun, wind- burned skin, chapped lips, and I'm sure there are others I've mentally put on hold.

3. Have you ever played any extreme winter sports?  I'm not sure about "extreme" sports but everything done in our winter could be "extreme".  I downhill and cross country ski, I snow shoe and I've curled.  I try to go skating (indoor) fairly often and outdoor (on the lake) when it's frozen. 

4. What do you like most about this season?   Alright.  To this point it's sounds like I've been complaining, whining, sounding like a grumbler.  So...being honest, this is my favourite time of year.  I like everything about the winter - the snow, the sports, and even the shovelling [if it isn't too cold].  I do get tired of the snow if it lasts into April but up until then, it definitely is my time of year. 

5.Do you celebrate Christmas, Hannukkah, Kwanzaa or another holiday during this time of year? I celebrate Christmas and I can say that I'm a Christmas junkie.  I start decorating December 1st and keep everything up until Epiphany, January 6th, although it isn't for any religious reasons.  I have a real tree that I cover with ornaments I've collected or have had passed down to me.  I like the family involvement at this time of year so I always am cooking big meals.  I think I enjoy it because everyone seems to like each other, or tolerate each other, or maybe even love each other.  Group hug, group hug, group hug!!

Good Night for now.

I'm wearing:
Hair and hat: Mirai Fuka winter hat
Sweater and jeans: Maison Marlene Scan1

Snow shoes: Miel (gift)

Pose: elymode

Location: Dawn of Radiance