Dear Diary:
I love to travel. In particular, I love to travel to a warm, sunny location and leave my snow and freezing temps behind. And that's what made my recent trip so wonderful. The warmth of the sun brought a subtle colour to my cheeks and a definite heat to my heart. I didn't think of the snow I left behind at all. But on my return I was met with snow, icy rain and more snow so shovelling the driveway was on my agenda.
What also makes my return from vacation difficult, is the mound of laundry I have to do.
I guess I'll be spending the weekend washing and drying so I have something clean to wear to work on Monday. That's a small sacrifice for the relaxing days I spent doing nothing.
Nice to be home.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing:
Hands: SLink AvEnhanced hands (casual)
Feet: Gos Boutique barefoot (flat)
Hair: Oh Hair Oh my holiday (no longer available)
Housecoat: G&N Quality Design Cosy gown (blue) (SL Marketplace)
Washer, dryer, soap: MD Laundry Department (white) (SL Marketplace)
Basket (on right): Kinoko laundry basket FREE (SL Marketplace)
Clothes: Clothes / Laundry on floor Non wearables (SL Marketplace)