Ever so often you read about something that's bad for you - coffee, red meat, sugar - but I just read that high heels are the ultimate of nasties, even worse than smoking. A proposal is for women to wear "negative heels", where the shoe slopes down from the ball of the foot. This type of heel is better for our hips, spine,and knees, whereas continual wearing of stilettos could even contribute to osteoporosis in time.
In addition, calf muscles will shrink from lifelong wearing of stilettos, and a sudden switch from high heels to flats could rip the Achilles tendon.
Some women have elected for surgery to remove their baby toes so they can stuff their feet into tight pointy toe shoes. I think that's a bit radical and unnecessary, all in the name of beauty shoes.
The information is from a new book, Every Woman's Guide to Foot Pain Relief: The New Science of Healthy Feet by Katy Bowman. The author also talks about other shoes that are harmful to our feet and our bodies. It's an interesting read, full of information about having healthy feet and how to keep them that way.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing: Skin: LeLutka Lola (light) Hair: TM Hair Styles Feral Hair ribbon: Lelka's ribbon headband (zebra) (SL Marketplace) Sweater: Esc. off shoulder sweater long Z (no longer available) Capris: Sysy's Mainstore basic black capris
Shoes: On me: (rt) N-Core Designs Chic neige (lft) YS&YS Milano slingback Roses (black) On table: Maitreya pumps (fuschia and violet) Enkythings Talyn (grey) On chair: On floor: Aleida Kampala stiletto (plum) Baiastice stiletto (croc red) A Touch of Ireland Polka dot black shoe Maitreya pumps (blue) Adam n Eve Pink classique Basevi Moda stiletto (dark green) (no longer available)
Yep...today is the Vernal Equinox, or the first day of Spring, where day and night are usually the same length.
It's almost 'spring' in my part of the world. The mounds of snow are gone from my yard, leaving me with a feeling that soon I'll be able to get in my garden. However, there's always that final HURRAH where we get the last snow of the season but hopefully it might pass us by this year.
In my other world, I've removed the snow from my roof and property and early this morning was out looking for flowers to plant.
I visited Herb's Garden, a place where I get most of my plants and trees. Many of his items are changeable with the seasons which is a great feature when you're decorating your property. Iris are so beautiful and have some many varieties.
I really enjoyed this jaunt into a sim full of beautiful plants and flowers that cover every type of climate you can get. It certainly put me in the spring mood.
When I read that the Colour Challenge for this week was St. Patrick's Blue, I thought Luna was playing with our minds. But she wasn't!
Historians say the original colour for St. Patrick was blue, not green and can be see on ancient Irish flags. During the Irish Rebellion 1798, the clover became a symbl of nationalism so the "wearing of the green" became a regular practice. Eventually the blue was fazed out.
So in the spirit of the Irish celebration, I've combined the original St. Patrick's blue with a Chinese inspired outfit. Now that's International friendship for ya!
The colour this week for the Colour Challenge is described as being "the colour of the sea" and what a perfect description that is! The name actually does come from Latin, "aqua" meaning water and "marina" meaning sea.
Ancient sailors believed if they wore an aquamarine gem, they would be protected at sea and always come home safely.
This gemstone is also the birthstone of March.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing:
Skin: LeLutka Lola (light) Lipstick: Aleida lip A (014) Eyes: Miriel Hazel (no longer available) Eye lashes: Mozz Cosmetics lashes version 2 (05) Hair: Vanity Hair Gigi Headband: NHA! Headband Nasha Nail polish: PXL Creations nail polish (pink #8)
Dress: tomoto holo marine Shoes: Page 3 Dragonfly wedges Bracelet: Je Suis tente sky bracelet
Today is International Women's Day and it has been observed as such since the early 1900's. But even today, women still do not receive equal pay to men; they are underrepresented in business and politics; our education and health cannot compare to men's and the rate of violence against women is still very high.
In Canada, two women stand out as activists for women's rights. Emily Stowe (1831-1903) was the first female doctor to practice in Canada, even though she was denied entrance to university because she was female. She became a teacher since that was "woman's work". She later went to a homeopathic medical school in the United States. She was an early suffragist and considered the "mother" of the movement in Canada.
Nellie McClung (1873-1951) was a member of "The Famous Five", a group that launched the "Persons Case", challenging the BNA Act, asking if women were considered "persons". The Supreme Court of Canada, in 1928, stated that women were not persons but that decision was overturned the next year. Because Nellie and her group brought up this question, it paved the way for women to be acknowledged and to be allowed to serve in Government.
To learn of some of the history behind the extraordinary people that fought for the rights of all women, click here.
Avocados can be used in so many ways. You can put them in salads or sandwiches. Make a great pesto for pasta. Chop them into salsa or stuff them with fillings. The only downfall is that they're really high in calories and fat, but it is a good fat, at least.
Just don't think about that when you're eating yummy guacamole!
I just love Luna's food colours for the Colour Challenge. My mouth always starts to water as I'm writing the post.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing: Skin: LeLutka Lola (light) Lipstick: Aleida lip A (008) Eyes: Miriel Hazel (no longer available) Eye makeup: Mozz Cosmetics winged eye with lashes (grey-green) Hair: Calla Angelica
Tee: Coco tee (green) (gift) Jacket: Jane Mrs. luv jacket (springy plaid) Pants: ETD (Elikatira) barely cords (moss) (old gift) Shoes: HOC Industries sneaker wedges
Freedom to Read Week in Canada runs from Feb 26 to March 3. I always like to support this because censorship is such a personal decision and such a hot topic!
Freedom to read can never be taken for granted. Even in Canada, a free country by world standards, books and magazines are banned at the border. Schools and libraries are regularly asked to remove books and magazines from their shelves. Free expression on the Internet is under attack. Few of these stories make headlines, but they affect the right of Canadians to decide for themselves what they choose to read.
Through history, books have been banned or burned so the populace cannot or will not read them. Sometimes it's for religious or racial reasons, or it could be sexual explicitness or violence. Of Mice and Men (John Steinbeck) and To Kill a Mockingbird have been on almost every list since they've been written. Look at the list of the history of books that have been banned or burned.
The recent idea of re-writing Huckleberry Finn in order to eliminate words and social environment is descrediting Mark Twain. Is that not like re-writing history? I think one must consider the historical era surrounding the author's writing.
If you find the book, magazine or document offensive, then put it down and walk away. Should we not be able to choose what we wish to read ourselves?