Dear Diary:
I really love a retro style. It doesn't matter what decade it comes from, the clothes and accessories appeal to me. Of course I do favour a lot of the modern trends too. So when I found this dress it fulfilled both wants for me.
It was retro fashion made for me!
The dress definitely inspires a '60s thought but it has a modern flair with the short skirt. I loved the pattern and since it came in a variety of colours it was hard to choose.
Of course the location for the pic had to be modern but I had to pair the dress with long straight hair and round blue tinted glasses, just to keep in the mood.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing:
Hair: Entwined Melody
Dress: ValentinaE Tabitha (lime) (at Anthem til Apr 31)
Sandals: Mosquito's Way Lelani
Pose: Gingerfish
Location: Backdrop City