Dear Diary:
The first week of Spring past for me without realising it was here. Why? Because it snowed!! The first day was not too bad - soft, large flakes that left pretty puffs on the tree. "It will be gone quickly", I thought. Nope! Overnight the snow fell again but this time it was too much. I needed the snow blower for that. When I looked out the window the third day and saw more of the icy pellets coming down, I knew that Spring had left the city.
I'm not putting away my boots yet.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing:
Hat: Madame Noir Vintage hat
Coat: Bueno Mila coat (cheetah) (at Kustom9 til Apr 10)
Boots: lassitude and ennui Thecla (brown)
Earrings: Mood Pangani (no longer available)
House: Funky Junk Amelia (store is closed)
Sign: Sway's Sign Board with plants