Dear Diary: It's May 25th, and as you know it's Towel Day, in celebration of Douglas Adams. The "Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" is one of his better known books, and references a towel. A towel it says, is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have, partly because it has great practical value. So I put on my towel and this year tried the golf club for a place to wear it. I know it's not proper attire for playing golf but no one else was on the course so I did a quick putt. I'm terrible at playing golf so I'm not sure what to do with this shot.
Don't panic and carry a towel (if you don't have one to wear!) Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hair: Mirone Gigi (no longer available) Towel: Meli Imako (SL Marketplace) (no slogan) Golf Club: available at the Club Location: Aero Golf Club
Dear Diary: How do you pass the time at home when it's difficult to be out and about? There are several ways and I think I've tried them all. Reading is a suggestion that my friends have made so I did take that up. I've read some really good books that will go on my "recommendations-by-friends list" to get more titles. And I've read some that are non-readable in my opinion. If I start a book I make sure I finish it - even if it's a painful process.
I love the title of this book and I'm taking ideas from it. Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hair: Monso Yuni Shirt and pants: Art&Ko Comfortable Style (olive)(at Anthem til May 30) Glasses: Deep Static Hayden Glasses Pose: Diversion Avoidance (at The Liaison til May 26) My house: La Galleria Magnolia Cottage
Dear Diary: Yesterday, Sunday morning, I decided I would have a relaxing breakfast so I decided a perfect place to be is in bed. How decadent...and how peaceful (at least I thought) So before I heard the eager sound of foot steps, I got my coffee and toast and headed back to bed.
It works well if I eat quickly. I think I should do this again...soon! Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hair: Tiny Bird Sodom South Georgia (no longer available) Pyjamas: dgd Sarah (SL Marketplace) Breakfast tray: Dutchie Breakfast tray (gift) Bed: La Galleria