Dear Diary: For the Monday Meme, Berry has asked us to reveal what we have learned by joining Second Life. WHOA...what I've learned!!
Technically, I have learned: ABOUT MY COMPUTER: I've used a computer for a long time, both at home and at work. Usually my use was confined to writing reports or documents, or for doing research. As long as it worked, life was beautiful. As I got into SL, I realized my home computer was making it difficult to be as active as I would have liked. I was crashing, or it took forever to load. It was time for a new computer. So I've become aware of Gigahertz, RAM and graphics cards, items that I would never have cared about before.
ABOUT BLOGGING: I've always been interested in writing. I've kept a diary for years. So the next step seemed appropriate. As I've writtenbefore, I was nervous about starting but now I love it and would miss it terribly if I had to stop. I'm not sure I would have attempted it, if not for SL.
ABOUT PHOTOGRAPHY: I enjoy taking pictures in RL and I do take a lot. But I found taking pictures in SL was very different. It took me awhile to find the proper size, the right angle, and to save it to the appropriate place. Personally this taught me patience. You can't rush taking a good picture. (Still haven't mastered that exactly) ABOUT PHOTOSHOP: I had seen people at my work use Photoshop for various marketing projects and was always keen on learning more about it. When I started taking pictures in SL and posting them to my blog, I was never happy with them. Someone suggested Photoshop so I decided to give it a try. I watched and read tutorials (and still do) to find the tips and tricks. I like to post raw pictures but sometimes it's nice to have "tools" to help in the search for that perfect picture.
ABOUT SCRIPTING: I put this one last because I'm not great at this and am definitely still in the kindergarten phase of learning. I can read a script and have written very very simple ones however, each day it becomes a little easier. And the not so technical lessons:
ABOUT SOCIALIZING:On the social level, I learned that people are people no matter where they live or where they are from or what world they live in. If people are rude and crude in SL, they will be that way in RL too. The pleasant people who are fun to be with, who are always considerate, and who make me laugh, would be my friends in both worlds.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing from Kustom9: Hair: barberyumyum *46 Barrette: barberyumyum Square barrette (gray) (Gacha) Top: OVH Nova loose t-shirt (gray) Skirt: OVH Gab skirt black Purse: Luxe Safety Pin Cluth (blanc et noire)(store opening soon)
新年快樂 to all my Asian friends. This is the year of the sheep.
Today marks the beginning of the Year of the Sheep/Goat until next February. If one is born in any of the following years - 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, they are under this sign. People born in a year of the Goat, are considered to be shy, sympathetic, kind- hearted, and gentle. They have a strong sense of justice. Sheep or Goats usually have a strong creativity and perseverance. Even though gentleness is a characteristic, Sheep have a strong inner resilience. They don't like to be the centre of attention as they tend to be reserved. They like to spend money on the nicer things in life. Because Sheep / Goats are calm in their thoughts, they have fewer health problems. Lucky colours for this group are brown, red and purple. Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hands: Slink AvEnhanced (elegant) Nailpolish: Izzie's Classic Nail HUD (rust) Hair: Wasabi Pills Karin Cheongsam: Lika Ruby Earrings: Maxi Gossamer Jades Shanghai Teardrop (gift) Bracelet: SWA Asian Bangle (jade) (no longer available) Poster: DragonLady Designs Gallery Year of the Sheep (now on SLMarketplace) Pose: !bang
Dear Diary: Berry's got a good Monday Meme going. These personal ones always make me...ummm..nervous. But I will answer it as best I can, in my best angelic voice.
1. Have you ever owned a sim in Second Life?No 2. Have you ever created content in Second Life?Yes but very simple things for my own use. Nothing I would or could sell. 3. Have you ever driven a vehicle in Second Life? Oh yes...lots of times. Everything from boats, airplanes and seados. I also own a car and a motorcycle which is far better than the ones I have in my first world. Does a pogo stick count too? 4. Have you ever gone sky diving in Second Life?Yes 5. Have you ever played a sport in Second Life?Yes, I've tried a lot of different sports. I've played ice hockey (I was goalie - not a good position) and I've done archery, skiing and golf, to name a few. 6. Have you ever gone clubbing in Second Life?OMG...YES! That WAS my second life when I first started, country, rock, jazz, you name it and I went. Not so much any more. I'm older now. 7. Have you ever fangirled/fanboyed someone in Second Life?Embarrasingly yes. Years back I ran into a dress designer at her store and totally made an idiot of myself. I still get flushed when I think about it. 8. Have you ever taken a picture of your avatar in water in Second Life?You myself; with my friends; with my pet; with whoever comes along.
9.Have you ever taken a picture of a sunset in Second Life?Yes I have but not many. 10. Have you ever taken a nude picture of your avatar in Second Life?That's a pretty easy question for an egotist like myself. But none have been nor will ever be published. OK...any offers? 11. Have you ever dated in Second Life?Yes 12. Have you ever had or attended a wedding in Second Life?I've never had a wedding myself. That's really not in my agenda but I've been to a few. I make a great bridesmaid in case someone reading this needs one! 13. Have you ever drank, smoked or taken drugs in Second Life? Yes, yes and yes. This is Second Life were talking about, isn't it? 14. Have you ever engaged in sexual activity in Second Life?Hmmm...think I'll take the 5th on this one. 15. Have you ever been to Bukkake Bliss in Second Life?Where? this point I'm feeling a lot less like my angelic self and I really am surprised I could talk so much through the gag. Time to say.... Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Skin: LeLutka Lola (light) Eyes: Ikon Sunrise (deep hazel) Eye makeup: Madrid Solo-u-color it (Grace) Lip gloss: Madrid Solo-u-color it (Grace) Hair: Analog Dog Pop Scotch Dress: Meli Imako Swan Dress (ivory) (SL Marketplace) Halo: Icons of Style Angel halo and wings Silencer: Sue Xue Muted Lips (SL Marketplace) Pose: Marukin
Dear Diary: Today marks the 50th anniversary for the Canadian Flag and the history behind it is interesting.
In 1964, the Prime Minister, Lester Pearson, proposed adopting a new flag for Canada, since the centennial of the country was coming up in 1967. The unofficial flag, since the 1880's, was the Red Ensign, a solid red flag, with the Union Jack in the left hand corner and Canada's coat of arms on the right portion. Pearson's idea was not met with approval. The debate, coming from veterans and politicians, also involved the English / French factor. It was a bitter argument. Pearson forged on, asking for suggestions to be sent to his flag selection committee. He, himself, submitted and preferred a sprig of 3 red maple leaves, bordered by blue bars but it was not chosen. On February 15th, 1965, the new, distinctive Canadian flag, known as the Maple Leaf, flew over Parliament Hill. It received a chilly reception. It seemed to be the only place the new flag was being exhibited. Now 50 years later, all controversy behind us, we feel a national pride when the flag is raised.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing: Hair with hat: Mina Hair Carlijin Jacket: Meli Imako Ladies Padded Coat (tinted grey) (SL Marketplace) Leggings: coldLogic leggings (navy) Gloves: Izzie's basic fluffy gloves Skates: Abranimations Super Ice Skates Flag: Hand held Canadian Flag (no longer available) Pose: A Netherworld Skater's static pose (no longer available) Location: Frisland
Dear Diary: I always look for a good prop pose for Valentine's Day and I've found some great ones in the past few years. Since tomorrow is February 14th, I was out on the search this week. view from inside house
view from outside
I found a good Valentine prop at Fashion Fair. It's produced by Come Soon Poses and features a whole scene of two buildings with a living room and front door in one building. You can take photos from either side. If you choose not to use the full scene, you can use the pose alone. Have a Happy Valentine's Day with flowers and candy. Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Eye makeup: mock Cosmetics Miss Vanity shadow and lashes (neutral) Lipstick: Pink Fuel Glossy Red Hands: Slink AvEnhanced (casual) Top: Nya's Romantic date patterned top (white) (The Instruments Feb) Skirt: Nya's Romantic date skirt (red) (The Instruments Feb) Hair: Truth Hair Jodie Prop Pose: Come Soon Pose Store Happy Valentine's Day (Fashion Fair 2015)
Dear Diary: My first blog was posted June 13th, 2010. I believe it was a Sunday. So for the Monday Meme, I tried to recreate the picture on that memorable day.
From my first post, I no longer have the tee; I've deleted the hair; and I have a new computer. I've acquired nicer hands, flashier makeup and better fitting clothing. I now own a lovely house in a tropical sim so I can always have warm sunny weather even if the snow is piled up around me in my first world. I came into this world on March 12th, 2008 but I didn't start blogging until two years after. I went through various milestones, while blogging, none of which were earth shattering, but changed me as a blogger. So here are my top 5: 1. The Start: I always wanted to blog. Early on, I wanted to be a journalist so I thought this would be a great way for me to use my desire to put something in print while using my limited creative talent. It was hard to start. Lack of confidence? No skill? Terrified of failure? Or all of the above? I told myself I should try it and if I didn't like it, I could stop. The first milestone was a go. 2. The First Post: I made it simple. The photo was basic. I published. No Photoshop or other touch-up programs. No additional posting to other feeds. I checked the number of viewings constantly. The thrill I felt when I saw that 3 people had read my post was overwhelming! I was on my way with another milestone under my belt. 3. The Revelation: I started out posting as a "fashion" writer. I bought the clothes and accessories, and put them together as best I could. I soon discovered that there were so many other bloggers out there that were much better at it than I was. I loved the items, I admired the creators but I didn't have the words or phrases to adequately describe what they were like. I wasn't doing well in the world of fashion. So I decided to abandon the styling posts and lean toward things I like to write / talk about, things that were interesting to me. I started my "Thinking" posts which melded both of my worlds together. That way I could write about my cares or problems. It is very cathartic. This was a momentous third milestone, one of my biggest. 4. The Learning Curve: At this point in my blogging, I had passed and accepted 3 plateaus of my milestones. I was feeling more secure with my writing and still working on the quality of my photographs at this point but I needed to know more of how to produce better pictures. I read tutorials. Berry's tutorials were informative, helpful and written in words I could understand. I tried out Windlight, thanks to Chic Aeon, Luna Jubilee and Annan Adored to name only a few who have provided downloads of their settings. I used photo aids such as Animare or AnyPose. All of these helpful suggestions came from reading blogs written by people who had started out like me and were now helping others due to their expertise. This was the most mind expanding milestone. 5. The Acceptance: My final milestone up to this point, came about almost 2 years ago. I joined a Challenge and finally knew that I loved doing this blog, for whatever reason. I was confident knowing that I could write a post for total enjoyment, adding a picture that I termed worthy, and have other readers like it too. It seems I've covered all the big milestones in my blogging life. I no longer worry about how many people read my blog. I like what I write for myself. I want to continue to learn new things about photography or settings and appreciate what all the other posts are teaching me. It will be a continual learning experience. Another milestone is just around the corner. I know it. Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hands: Slink AvEnhanced (casual) Nail polish: Izzie's Classic nails Lipstick: Oceane Glammy Lipstick (orange2) Hair: Truth Hair Saffron Dress: TuTy's Sweater dress (orange) Ring: LaGyo Siroune ring (gold) Desk: MMG work desk and chair Laptop: Shared Media Loaded Laptop (no longer available) Location: My home La Galleria Palo Alto Home
Dear Diary: A few weeks back, Chloe and I wanted to go out dancing but our friend and date-when-needed, Sam, didn't want to go. We were anxious to go out so we had to have an alternate plan. Lucky for us, we were able to get some very willing and forever dance partners.
The mannequins can be found at Image Essentials in the Gacha machine. There are several different ones, all really cute. Chloe and I are happy to know that when we feel like dancing, we always have a partner. Good Night for now. On Chloe: Skin: Izzie's Harlow (pale) Lipstick: Izzie's Harlow (pink) Eyes: The Skinnery (bohemian) Eye shadow: Izzie's Harlow (silver eye) Lashes: mock Pandora Hands: Slink AvEnhanced (elegant) Hair: EMOtions Deidre Dress: League Yve pencil dress (blue) (Uber December) Shoes: Gos Boutique Victoria Platforms (silver) Earrings and necklace: Maxi Gossamer Beatrice On me: Skin: LeLutka Lola (light) Lipstick: SEVEN glossy (pink rose) Eyes: Ikon Sunrise (deep hazel) Eye shadow: mock Miss Vanity with lashes (bluey) Hands: Slink AvEnhanced (casual) Hair: Vanity Hair Fugee Dress: Topazia Edwina dress (light blue) Shoes: Gos Boutique Isabella sandals (gold) Earrings: Chop Zuey jelly bean earrings (diamond / gold) Mannequins: Image Essentials The Dummy #3 (left); # 5 (right)(found in the Gacha area) Location: Snow Rez Zone
Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hair: W&Y Hair #86 (no longer available) Lipstick: Headturners Matt Lipstick (licorice) Outfit: Dark Moon Punk Rave Goth Emo Vampire Neko B&R (now in SL Marketplace) Tail: AD long tail Pose: Tea Soup
Dear Diary: Around this time of year, Lake Superior State University comes out with a list of words that they think should be banned, either because the words are overused; used in the wrong context or just plain irritating! I try to write a post when I see the list as it's so fun to see what words should be put in the trash for this year. While I was watching the sports news, and preparing for Super Bowl, I decided to write this post with my top 4 irritating words.
1. POLAR VORTEX: Every weather report has a "polar vortex coming out of the north". I'm not sure what this term means. What happened to "a cold front" or "winter"? And why is it always from Canada? 2. SKILL SET: To me this phrase is unnecessary. I think this is supposed to stand for someone's skills so why not just say skills? 3. FOODIE: I think the correct way of describing a person who excels in the food world is "gourmand". I loved one person's comments from the website - "It'sridiculous. Do we call people who like wine 'winies' or beer lovers 'beeries'?" Perfect! 4. __NATION: Being that this suffix is mostly used by sports fans, I'm not sure of any team or fan who has designs on establishing a country. In honour of this word, I decided to join the Hawks-nation for the Super Bowl, mainly because I don't like the Patriots. Lake Superior State University has been putting out this list for 40 years. Although it's a tongue-in-cheek approach, it's fun to look back at some of the words they thought should be banned. Here is the history behind the list all the lists from 1976. Good Night for now. I'm wearing: Hair: elua demi Tee: Enchanted Designs Game Day jerseys (Seahawks) Jeans: Emery Mid Rise skinny jeans (original) Sneakers: Super Kingdom Low tops mesh sneakers (green) (SL Marketplace) Helmet: TA Football helmet (SL Marketplace) Television: Shared Media preloaded TV (no longer available) Carpet: La Galleria Tan and Floral Contemporary rug