However did I manage without a cell phone? I woke up this morning and found out it wouldn't work.
Oh boy!! I can shop for a new phone!! So I went out to look at a few. Nokia Island was one of my stops.

There also was a fun keyboard that you could play with and see yourself on the BIGGG monitor. You could choose different backgrounds and poses. I spent a lot of time just playing around.

Then all of a sudden my phone rang!! WHAAAAT?? I ran outside to take the call.
Hmmm....that was strange. I tried texting.And that worked too. Well, I guess I'm stuck with this old phone for awhile. I could spend the money on shoes instead.
Good Night for now.
Skin: LeLutka Lola Sunkissed
Eyes: Muriel hazel (no longer available)
Eyelashes: Glow Studio Hollywood Greta Garbo
Hair: Oh Oh my honey
Dress: ::Page 3:: Mini dress Sky
Sweater: Coco Designs Cardigan Lace White
Shoes: ::Page 3:: Dragonfly Wedge Rainbow
Earrings: Zaara Urvi chandelier earrings
Bracelets: Dark Mouse colourful bangles
Poses: RC-Cluster Stellar Cell phone with poses; Adorkable
Location: Nokia Cell phone Centre