The Olympic Games start this weekend and that brought to mind a sport that has really been in the shadows but is finally coming out due to a popular book / movie. Can you guess what it is? Yes, it's archery. Even though archery is an ancient sport, it wasn't until "The Hunger Games" that interests were peaked towards the event.
In that movie, the heroine showed her ability using a bow and arrow, prompting women to want to learn more about the finesse and rules of the sport and to join archery clubs.
Another movie with a female hero and an expert archer is "Brave". Even though it's animated, it certainly portrays a good role model for young girls and also gives them the desire to try the sport.

worlds. Here I'm at the Archery Range in
Morris. I don't have the concentration or
eye to be even passable at this sport and I really admire the men and women in this event, representing their countries at the Olympics. I certainly will watch this event with a new admiration.
Good Night for now.
I'm wearing:
Hair: W&Y Hair #154
Top: MB & Honey colourful syouzyo (free on SL Marketplace)
Jeans: Jane 27 distressed cuffed jeans (light wash)
Sneakers: IBizarre (now Tausendschoen) Karma sneakers
Bow and arrows provided at Archery Range
Location: Archery Range